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AFL-CIO votes to endorse Clinton for president

The general board of the 12.5 million-member AFL-CIO has voted to endorse Hillary Clinton for president of the United States. The endorsement reflects a comprehensive, democratic process initiated one year ago to capture the interests of the 12.5 million working people the federation represents.

“Hillary Clinton is a proven leader who shares our values,” AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said. “Throughout the campaign, she has demonstrated a strong commitment to the issues that matter to working people, and our members have taken notice.

“Sen. Bernie Sanders has brought an important voice to this election and has elevated critical issues and strengthened the foundation of our movement,” Trumka said. “His impact on American politics cannot be overstated.”

AFSCME President Lee Saunders, chairman of the AFL-CIO’s Political Committee, said that this election offers voters a stark choice. “Working people know that Hillary Clinton has the temperament and experience to unite all Americans in our fight to increase incomes at home and extinguish threats abroad,” Saunders said.

NALC is a member of the AFL-CIO. President Fredric Rolando sits on the federation’s executive council and is the vice chairman of its finance committee.

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