Member benefits

Membership Qualifications

Only NALC members are eligible to purchase MBA insurance products.

Section 1. An applicant for admission to membership in the MBA must be a letter carrier or other nonsupervisory employee of the Postal Career Service who is a member in good standing of the NALC, or the spouse, child, grandchild or great grandchild of a member of the NALC. Employees of the NALC and its subsidiaries, their spouse and children are also eligible applicants for membership in the MBA.

Section 2. Each applicant for membership shall make application on the form provided for that purpose and, subject to the nonmedical limits in effect, be examined by some competent practicing physician.

Section 3. Should any applicant be rejected by the Chief Medical Examiner, he/she shall not be proposed or admitted within six months thereafter.
Constitution and General Laws of the United States Letter Carriers Mutual Benefit Association
Organized 1891